


Locale: Japan 🇯🇵

Birthdate: August 12

Height: 5'10“

Weight: 158 lbs

First Appearance: Final Fight (1989)

Style: Bushin-ryu Ninjutsu

Alignment: LAWFUL GOOD


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Docu an Art listing

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Images of art where this character is the main focus.


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Docu a Fic

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Fan Fiction where the character is the main protagonist.


Thumbnail Title Author Description Link
BUSHIN JUSTICE! Dune7 Guy faces the menace of Rolento in this action packed short story starring the final fight gang of Street Fighter! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14150753/1/BUSHIN-JUSTICE
Bushin Kaiden bushinguy I remember that man's eyes. No doubt about it. If I follow him, I will be able to find the one thing I can live for. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6141863/1/Bushin-Kaiden
Self Demonstrating Character Page: Guy WegraMan Tv Tropes? I must admit I'm not much of a talkative person let alone very internet savvy but nevertheless I suppose I am open to trying this after Cody, Haggar and a few other former Mad Gear members got their own pages https://www.deviantart.com/wegraman/art/Self-Demonstrating-Character-Page-Guy-764956459


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Docu some Music

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Songs inspired by the character.


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Docu a Site

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Articles, pages, or sites dedicated to the character.


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Docu a Vid

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Videos spotlighting the character.


Thumbnail Title Channel/Director Description Link
The True History of Guy ! - A Street Fighter Character Documentary (1989 - 2022) Top Hat Gaming Man In today's video we look at the history of Guy who has made many appearances as a playable character in both Street Fighter & Final Fight Games. This will include his friendship and rivalry with Cody. https://youtu.be/3Bu4ZsybQAI
Street fighter Epic Ep.5 TechLeSSWaYz N/A https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/558295


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