


Locale: Earth 🌎

Birthdate: N/A

Height: 6'7“

Weight: 330 lbs

First Appearance: Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (2018)

Style: All martial arts on Earth

Alignment: NEUTRAL


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Docu an Art listing

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Images of art where this character is the main focus.


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Docu a Fic

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Fan Fiction where the character is the main protagonist.


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Docu some Music

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Songs inspired by the character.


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Docu a Site

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Articles, pages, or sites dedicated to the character.


Thumbnail Title Admin_Author Description Link
The More Complete G Lore Primer Steven Mane G has unquestionably been the biggest influence on my blog and theories. He’s involved in so many characters’ stories that it’s clear that I feel he’s more than just a minor characte https://manestreetblog.com/2022/01/26/the-more-complete-g-lore-primer/
Good Game: The Two Gs Steven Mane Near the end of 2021, Street Fighter V director Takayuki Nakayama shared information with Twitter user Io Housenka regarding some of the lore surrounding Neo Shadaloo. https://manestreetblog.com/2022/02/09/good-game-the-two-gs/
Game of Zones Steven Mane On Twitter, I asked a question about who my followers wanted me to write a theory on. The answers varied based on the personal preferences of each person who responded. https://manestreetblog.com/2022/06/01/game-of-zones/
The Truth About G and Q? Steven Mane Something in the back of my mind was telling me all the clues were there. And after some research, I think I figured it out. G is Q. Sort of. https://manestreetblog.com/2019/02/20/the-truth-about-g-and-q/
Dr. G, The Night Tripper Steven Mane After finishing my theory on G and Q, I listened over and over to G’s theme, trying to find some sort of clue in the music. After noticing something in the trumpets, I reached out to Daniel Lindholm to ask what the story was behind the music https://manestreetblog.com/2019/02/20/dr-g-the-night-tripper/
G, Q, and Necalli – Connections and Symbolism Steven Mane n doing my research on Necalli, I ran across some information that I was unable to use in my recent theory. The information is also too fragmented to establish another theory with https://manestreetblog.com/2019/02/20/g-q-and-necalli-connections-and-symbolism/
Who is Q? Steven Mane Season 4 of Street Fighter V is setting up to be the most promising one yet. Talk of a new cinematic story mode, new characters on the horizon, and new updates https://manestreetblog.com/2019/02/20/who-is-q/
G, The April Fool? Steven Mane Capcom is known not just for their fighting games and Resident Evil. They’re also known for their shooters https://manestreetblog.com/2019/03/31/g-the-april-fool/
The Question of G Steven Mane The theory that launched my entire brand was “The Truth About G and Q?” It was covered by Event Hubs and Combo Infinito https://manestreetblog.com/2021/05/07/the-question-of-g/
Is G a Member of the Secret Society? Steven Mane I have been holding off on this theory for several reasons. First, I fully believe that everything I’ve written about G is, for the most part, true https://manestreetblog.com/2019/04/03/is-g-a-member-of-the-secret-society/
G is NOT The Fool! Steven Mane “No matter how many times I attempt to read the future, the answer is always the same. Only the Fool Card can stand up to him. https://manestreetblog.com/2019/05/26/g-is-not-the-fool/
The Complete G Lore Primer Steven Mane Most of the stuff I’ve written here I’ve already written about in past theories. However, as all of my previous theories are in separate posts, I’ve decided to condense all of my previous G theories into one handy guide for the purpose of convenience. https://manestreetblog.com/2019/07/31/the-complete-g-lore-primer/
Q, Revealed? Steven Mane Speculation about G continues to rage on. Capcom has created perhaps the greatest, most enigmatic character in its history, the history of fighting games, and, if one chooses to believe so, the history of video games. https://manestreetblog.com/2020/02/17/q-revealed/
G & Q: Patient Zero Steven Mane As we in the real world must survive a global virus that threatens our way of life, a similar pandemic exists in the world of Street Fighter – G’s ability to manipulate people on a world scale. https://manestreetblog.com/2020/03/15/g-q-patient-zero/
Getting The Monkey Off My Back Steven Mane With the fifth, and final, season of Street Fighter V now confirmed, speculation can begin on who the final characters in the game will be. https://manestreetblog.com/2020/05/27/getting-the-monkey-off-my-back/
The Ultimate Purpose of Necalli Steven Mane Despite being a canon punching bag for every character in Street Fighter so far, Necalli remains one of the biggest mysteries in the game. https://manestreetblog.com/2020/07/29/the-ultimate-purpose-of-necalli/
Fallen Claw – The Cosmic Threads of Vega & Q Steven Mane As I’ve theorized before, there are many candidates in regard to the true identity of Q. I’ve stated that there are likely many Qs in the Street Fighter universe… https://manestreetblog.com/2020/09/11/fallen-claw-the-cosmic-threads-of-vega-q/
Lore Drop: Deciphering the Story of the Q Masks in Neco Drop 2 Steven Mane In Neco Drop 2, the biggest surprises I ran into were the Q Mask blocks, which were added puzzle elements not seen in the first Neco Drop. It became pretty clear to me that, even though Neco Drop 2 was an April Fools Day project… https://manestreetblog.com/2021/04/12/lore-drop-deciphering-the-story-of-the-q-masks-in-neco-drop-2/
Rose & G: Final Impact Steven Mane Rose and her story were just released, hinting at, if not outright revealing, one of the darkest stories gaming has ever seen https://manestreetblog.com/2021/04/19/rose-g-final-impact/
Rose & G: From Zero Steven Mane In my last theory, I explained what my research led me to conclude about what Rose’s story mode told me about what G’s ultimate plan would be. https://manestreetblog.com/2021/04/22/rose-g-from-zero/
Street Fighter’s G(roup) Project Steven Mane With the research I’ve done over the past few years, I’ve come to the conclusion that the plans of the primary antagonists, Bison, Gill, and G, were in fact the exact same plan, stolen from the organization before them https://manestreetblog.com/2021/05/21/street-fighters-group-project/
Mairzy Notes: The Observation of Mayor Cody Travers Steven Mane As of this writing, I have written 99 articles on this blog, with a vast majority of them being Street Fighter lore theories. When I first went viral in 2018 for my first G and Q theory, never did I think I would be the flagbearer for Street Fighter theory crafting https://manestreetblog.com/2021/07/29/mairzy-notes-the-observation-of-mayor-cody-travers/
G Agency Steven Mane In case you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at this upcoming cover for issue 2 of Udon Comics’ Street Fighter 6. https://manestreetblog.com/2023/03/20/g-agency/


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Docu a Vid

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Videos spotlighting the character.


Thumbnail Title Channel/Director Description Link
G's Message to the People ShockyD I'm a fan of lore, street fighter and interesting character designs, so I felt like giving this a quick dramatic read….then I decided I wanted to turn it into a video and an hour or so later, here we are. https://youtu.be/R29T9UBe0ws
The Mystery of G - The Real Final Boss !? - A Street Fighter Character Documentary (2017 - 2022) Top Hat Gaming Man In today's video we look at the mysterious G, a character who Capcom classify as Street Fighter V's last boss. Who is this man and why is he so dangerous? https://youtu.be/SIZQYqevy8c


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