


Locale: Russia 🇷🇺

Birthdate: June 1

Height: 7'0“

Weight: 399 lbs

First Appearance: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991)

Style: Russian amd American Pro Wrestling

Alignment: GOOD


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Docu an Art listing

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Images of art where this character is the main focus.


Thumbnail Title Artist Type Link
The Red Cyclone - Zangief YourGuyTheOti Drawing https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105786394


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Docu a Fic

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Fan Fiction where the character is the main protagonist.


Thumbnail Title Author Description Link
From Russia, With Pain Fate8 Zangief, the Russian wrestler, joins the SF tournament to find a real challenge for his skills. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1882399/1/From-Russia-With-Pain
Self Demonstration Character Pages: Zangief WegraMan Greetings Comrades! First off let me say It is great honor to finally get my own page! For I The Great Cyclone am about to tell the world about my journey! https://www.deviantart.com/wegraman/art/Self-Demonstration-Character-Pages-Zangief-683620118


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Docu some Music

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Songs inspired by the character.


Thumbnail Title Artist Genre Link


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Docu a Site

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Articles, pages, or sites dedicated to the character.


Thumbnail Title Admin_Author Description Link
The Lost Ideals of Zangief Steven Mane My previous theory got quite a few readers. I pointed out how everyone in the series was pretty much in it for those sweet, sweet fame dollars, even the ones who seemed to have no need for money. https://manestreetblog.com/2019/05/15/the-lost-ideals-of-zangief/


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Docu a Vid

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Videos spotlighting the character.


Thumbnail Title Channel/Director Description Link
OMM Audition TheWind Zangief Vs Hugo sprite battle https://youtu.be/HvqVemzFoco
The History of ZANGIEF - A Street Fighter Character Documentary (1991 - 2021) Top Hat Gaming Man Today Top Hat Gaming Man talks about the history of Zangief and every single one of his appearances in different games and media over the years. Let us explore the journey of one of the USSR's greatest athletes in this Street Fighter Biopic video. https://youtu.be/_fDE1bOH6vA


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