Juri Han
Locale: South Korea 🇰🇷
Birthdate: January 1
Height: 5'5“
Weight: 101 lbs
First Appearance: Super Street Fighter IV (2010)
Style: Taekwondo
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Juri Han CPS-2 Style Select Portrait | DeltaRoll | Craft | https://www.deviantart.com/deltaroll/art/Juri-Han-CPS-2-Style-Select-Portrait-917666779 |
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Street Fighter: Sidekick | Mat | Set in post SFV. Juri takes a companion (non-romance) and travels through a world that has an uncertain future. | https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13883093/1/Street-Fighter-Sidekick | |
Upgrades | majormario | A story that details a behind the scenes look at the inner workings of S.I.N, but more importantly, the power grab for the superior tech that gives the organization its unique edge. | https://www.deviantart.com/majormario/art/Upgrades-Prologue-337822197 | |
Something Reasonable | ScriptedScarlet | Before S.I.N.'s fighting tournament, Seth promised Juri Han he would give her anything she desired, so long as it was “reasonable.” Well, the tournament is just weeks away, and Juri finally comes to collect. What on earth could she possibly want? | https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7979851/1/Something-Reasonable | |
Self Demonstrating Character Page: Juri Han | WegraMan | Ah jeez you gotta be kidding me I gotta do one of these self demonstrating pages? Lame! This whole things just a nerdy circlejerk if you ask me. Not necessarily my idea of fun | https://www.deviantart.com/wegraman/art/Self-Demonstrating-Character-Page-Juri-Han-742119214 |
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A Juri of Her Peers | Steven Mane | Over a year ago, I wrote a profile on Chun-Li’s psyche, explaining her possible motivations as well as signs of her repressed sexuality. | https://manestreetblog.com/2020/05/16/a-juri-of-her-peers/ | |
Judge, Juri, and Executioner | Steven Mane | Glico, the company who makes Pocky, recently released a new campaign for their signature product: a crossover with Street Fighter V. Beginning with Ryu and Chun-Li, Glico would release five different boxes with different paired up characters. | https://manestreetblog.com/2020/12/31/judge-juri-and-executioner/ | |
Juri Nullification | Steven Mane | As I reflect on the three years I’ve done this blog, I’ve realized that there are some things I’ve gotten right, some things I’ve gotten wrong, and some things that are still yet to be determined. | https://manestreetblog.com/2022/01/12/juri-nullification/ |
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The History of JURI - The Female Villain ? - A Street Fighter Character Documentary (2010 - 2022) | Top Hat Gaming Man | In today's video we look at the history of Juri - the Street Fighter franchise's anti Chun Li . Let's look at her creation and each of her appearances, over the years. | https://youtu.be/B70rqwRVRFI |