


Locale: Germany 🇩🇪

Birthdate: May 19

Height: 7'10“

Weight: 440 lbs

First Appearance: Final Fight

Style: Professional Wrestling

Alignment: NEUTRAL


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Docu an Art listing

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Images of art where this character is the main focus.


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Docu a Fic

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Fan Fiction where the character is the main protagonist.


Thumbnail Title Author Description Link
The Huge Wrestling Army - A Post 3rd Strike Story Nicidical A Street Fighter AU where Hugo and Poison start a wrestling organization called the Huge Wrestling Army with the goal to become the biggest one of them all. Many fighters try to defeat Hugo and fail, making them members of the new organization. Will they become the organization they dreamed of, or will they fall from grace? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13856511/1/The-Huge-Wrestling-Army-A-Post-3rd-Strike-Story
Self Demonstrating Character Page: Hugo WegraMan Ass kicks you: I am big enough to crush you just by sitting in you! https://www.deviantart.com/wegraman/art/Self-Demonstrating-Character-Page-Hugo-803023112


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Docu some Music

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Songs inspired by the character.


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Docu a Site

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Articles, pages, or sites dedicated to the character.


Thumbnail Title Admin_Author Description Link
The Future of Alex and Hugo? Steven Mane As I’ve stated in previous theories, not every character has something under the surface of their story that can be exposed. https://manestreetblog.com/2022/05/18/the-future-of-alex-and-hugo/


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Docu a Vid

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Videos spotlighting the character.


Thumbnail Title Channel/Director Description Link
The History of HUGO - The Giant Challenger - A Street Fighter Character Documentary (1989 - 2022) Top Hat Gaming Man In today's video we look at the history of Hugo, the giant from Final Fight known as Andore who would go on to appear as a playeable roster member within the Street Fighter games. https://youtu.be/7Wc8Vf-PxY4


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