


Locale: Turkey 🇹🇷

Birthdate: Month Day

Height: 6'3“

Weight: 242 lbs

First Appearance: Super Street Fighter IV (2010)

Style: Yağlı güreş

Alignment: GOOD


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Docu an Art listing

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Images of art where this character is the main focus.


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Docu a Fic

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Fan Fiction where the character is the main protagonist.


Thumbnail Title Author Description Link
Self Demonstrating Character Page: Hakan WegraMan Name's Hakkan I'm one of the newcomers in Street Fighter IV. I'm the CEO of one of the biggest cooking oil companies in the world. BUt on top of that I'm also an Oil Wrestler myself! https://www.deviantart.com/wegraman/art/Self-Demonstrating-Character-Page-Hakan-796814739


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Docu some Music

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Songs inspired by the character.


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Docu a Site

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Articles, pages, or sites dedicated to the character.


Thumbnail Title Admin_Author Description Link
Hakan – The Devastating Truth Steven Mane When I began doing research on Hakan, I wasn’t expecting to find anything with him being a character who only appeared in one game (not counting G’s ending in Street Fighter V). https://manestreetblog.com/2019/06/21/hakan-the-devastating-truth/


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Docu a Vid

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Videos spotlighting the character.


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